I am constantly amazed at how animated and talkative people get when you mention food. The mere aroma of certain foods can evoke memories that transport us back to a special place and time. Food can bridge the gap between all ages, races and ethnicities.
Let's face it, the only thing that should ever come between people is a table and some serving bowls.

Falling Leaves, falling temperatures no wonder we call this the fall season quite aptly named I would say. While things are falling steadily outside the inside temperatures are on the rise. We slowly raise our thermostats and once again begin to turn up the burners for some cold weather cooking. For me it is an automatic reflex on our very first cold, dark damp day that my soul longs for a big bowl of homemade soup. I never know which one to make first, I have so many favorites but since it is that time of year filled with crisp aromatic apples and rich velvety squash in such great abundance I believe my soup journey should begin here.
Apple Harvest Soup

4 slices day old bread
3 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
1 lg. butternut squash, peeled and sliced
2 med. onions, sliced
4 c. chicken stock, canned or homemade
3/4 tsp. dried tarragon
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c. apple wine, may substitute with apple cider
1/2 c. heavy cream
Sour cream
Make bread crumbs of the bread. Place in stockpot with all ingredients up to apple wine. Simmer 30 minutes until vegetables are tender. Puree the mixture and reheat to simmer. Add the apple wine and cream - do not boil. To serve, garnish with dabs of sour cream.
This Apple Harvest Soup sounds great. I think it could be a welcomed addition to the Thanksgiving meal.
What an intriguing combination of ingredients.I am going to have to try this soup!
I just made a pot of this after seeing it on this website today and I love it. My husband and I are very happy with it and it was so easy to make. Thank you.
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